Vector-Smart-Object-1 - Daily Reports & Live HDD/CDD Statistics

Thursday Headline: Important EIA report on tap. EC trended colder Wednesday, which led to spike in nat gas prices.
Thursday: For today’s EIA weekly storage report, survey averages suggest a draw of -168-171 Bcf, just under the 5-year average of -174 Bcf. It was colder vs normal over much of the US besides the Midwest. We expect a draw of?

US Natural Gas Weather Forecast provides daily weather forecasts and weather statistics developed specifically for the energy markets, with the focus on natural gas.  We are committed to providing exceptional service backed by our Certified Consultant Meteorologists, the highest credentialed meteorologist designation by the American Meteorological Society.  Our team of meteorologists understand the unique challenges facing natural gas traders and aims to deliver accurate and reliable weather information tailored specifically for their needs. offers daily weather forecasts with the focus on weather conditions that will drive nat gas and heating demand over the coming 2-3 months but with emphasis on the next 15-days.  The Daily Report contains a comprehensive narrative, as well as many pages of important weather images and natural gas metrics.  The Mid-Day update is issued after fresh midday forecast data comes in.  If you are not satisfied at any time you can cancel without fee. We also offer Live HDD/CDD weather model statistics as a separate service. For more information click here.

Your subscription includes:

  • Natural Gas Daily Weather Forecast
  • Mid-Day Pattern Update
  • Summer Outlooks
  • Hurricane Forecast
  • Winter Outlooks


  • $69   monthly per individual for Daily Reports & Midday Updates
  • $99   Access to LIVE HDD/CDD Weather Model Statistics (GFS, ECMWF, CFS, etc)
  • $119    For Both Daily Reports/Updates & Access to Live HDD/CDD Data
  • $199   Advanced HDD/CDD Statistics (the most powerful statistics available).  Also Includes Daily Reports, Traditional Live HDD/CDD Model Statistics, & Access to ERCOT, SPP, MISO, CAISO, PJM data
  • $325   6-months for Daily Reports & Updates (click here)
  • $500   6-months for Live HDD/CDD Data & Live Daily Reports & Updates (click here)
  • $900   6-month for Advanced HDD/CDD Statistics Package & Access to ERCOT, SPP, MISO, PJM, CAISO Data (click here)
  • $149  Energy Package – Wind & Solar & Weather Forecasts for ERCOT, SPP, MISO, CAISO, PJM (click here),

To Subscribe:

NatGasWeather Subscription Options - Monthly
  • Email us at:  helpdesk @
  • Call us – 1888-724-9915
  • Sign Up Monthly
    • Paypal click the subscribe button below for monthly billing  (you do not need a paypal account)
    •   contact us at:   helpdesk @ to set up monthly billing through
  • Sign up for a 6-month subscription
  • Any Credit Card – Call or email and we will process for you, regardless of country.

Why Subscribe? offers expert weather analysis and real-time trending weather statistics for the natural gas and energy markets.  Our weather experts closely monitor weather patterns and trends to provide insightful analysis to help our clients make informed decisions.  Our platform provides detailed Daily Natural Gas Weather Reports, as well as timely Midday and Afternoon Updates, highlighting potential impacts on supply and demand.  We also provide access to real-time Live updating weather statistics from the major weather models, such as the ECMWF, GFS, CFS, and more.  These Live updating weather statistics compare national Heating Degree Days (HDD) and Cooling Degree Days (CDD) to 30 and 10-year normals, while also showcasing trends of the major weather models over the past 12 and 24 hours.  This includes HDD and CDD forecasts and trends for the South-Central, East, Midwest, Mountain, and Pacific EIA regions. 

Our Advanced HDD/CDD Weather Statistics package is our most powerful offering for natural gas traders and energy companies as we accumulate HDD and CDD weather trends over periods of days to weeks to highlight how weather patterns and trends are impacting natural gas prices. This allows our clients to stay ahead of market trends and adjust their trading strategies accordingly.   Included are Winter and Summer Outlooks, as well as updates to ENSO (El Nino/La Nina).  Our comprehensive reports also provide forecasts for the next three EIA Weekly Storage Reports, as well as long-range forecasts from the ECMWF and CFS weather models.  Finally, wind, solar, and weather element forecasts and statistics are also provided for the major ISO’s, including ERCOT, SPP, MISO, CAISO, and PJM.

This Weeks Nat Gas Demand

Feb 6-12:  The northern 1/3 of the US will be cool to very cold as frosty weather systems track through w/snow and highs of -0s to 30s, coldest N. Plains. The southern 2/3 of the US will be mild to nice w/highs of 50s-80s as high pressure rules, including very nice highs of 70s-80s across Texas, then colder early to mid-next week. Overall, Light national demand through the weekend, then increasing to High next week.

Feb 6: EIA Report vs Normal

EIA Nat Gas Report: Jan 30

Nat Gas In Underground Storage

January 30:   Today’s EIA report printed a draw of -321 Bcf, larger than market expectations and massively larger than the 5-year average of -187 Bcf, thereby decreasing supplies from 2,892 Bcf to 2,571 Bcf, while decreasing surpluses from +21 Bcf to -111 Bcf.

Live Wx Model HDD/CDD Data

We also provide Live Weather Model HDD/CDD Statistics as a separate service. To learn more click HERE.